For almost two decades Attorney Tricia Knight has been a tireless advocate for the rights of individuals and families in civil rights litigation. After going through her own divorce in 2007, and then helping a friend obtain primary placement of his young son, Attorney Knight realized that family court was one area where outdate cultural biases and views regaridng gender roles still far too often lingered to the harm and detriment of fathers and children.
For the past decade, Attorney Knight has shifted her practice focus to advocating for equality in family law and fighting for the rights of fathers to be an equal and active parent in their children's lives. She has also helped paternal grandparents remain part of their grandchildren's lives. Whether the issue is custody, placement, child support, maintenance, or division of marital assets, Attorney Knight is a dedicated and tenacious advocate for her clients.
Her holistic approach to helping her clients is a unique, but simple, approach. Her philosophy is common sense: "Get it done right the first time". By focusing on helping her clients be the best fathers they can be to their children, her child-centric approach helps transform her clients and their children's lives while achieving her clients' goals with in the family court system. In turn, the approach saves her clients time and money by resolving disputes the first time around rather than facing long-term family court litigation. Her ultimate goal is to work herself out of a job because her clients are able to move on in their lives in a healthy and functional way.